Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

The Reaper (Persona 3)

nih shadow paling kuat di persona 3. katanya sih lebih kuat daripada bos terakhir, Nyx Avatar.
the reaper ga bisa ditemuin di tempat biasa.. lu harus cari dia, ada beberapa cara buat nemuin the reaper:
  • tunggu sekitar 10 menit di lantai berapa aja di tartarus (jangan pindah lantai). nanti Fuuka bakal bilang "I have a feeling that Death is near!". tungguin lagi sampe dia bilang "Be careful, I sense Death!". kalo udah bilang gitu, berarti the reaper udah dateng.
  • cari cursed card waktu lg shuffle time. kartunya ada bayangan tengkorak gitu. kalo berhasil dapet, nanti the reaper bakal dateng. Fuuka tetep bilang "Be careful, I sense Death!" jd ga usah kaget wkwk.
    saran gua, mendingan dateng ke 2nd Block, Arqa sendirian (ga usah bawa party). bunuh shadow di sana pake rush.. sering keluar tuh cursed card.
- wujud the reaper ga kayak shadow yang lain, dia nunjukin wujud aslinya (kayak guardian yang suka jaga beberapa lantai tapi dia ngejar lu)
- lawan the reaper kalo udh lv 70++ aja .
- jangan pake magic/attack mirror. ntar lu bakal dikasi megidolaon di setiap turn .


it is the strongest shadow in persona 3. some said that the reaper is more powerful than the final boss, Nyx Avatar.
you can't find the reaper like normal shadow. these are some ways to find it:
  • wait around 10 minutes in any floor in tartarus (don't take the stairs). then Fuuka will say "I have a feeling that Death is near!". wait a little longer, then Fuuka will say "Be careful, I sense Death!" which means the reaper is on the same floor with you.
  • find the cursed card in the shuffle time. the card has a skull mark on it. take this card and the reaper will come after Fuuka said "Be careful, I sense Death!".
    I recommend you to go to 2nd Block, Arqa alone (without your party). kill some shadows there using rush.. the cursed card often show itself that way .
- unlike any other shadows, the reaper shows its original appearance (just like a guardian in several floors but it's chasing you) .
- fight the reaper when you've reach 70++ .
- do not use magic/attack mirror when fighting it. it will spam megidolaons to you every turn .

source from:,
pictures from:

Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Pekan Isra Mi'raj

Hola .
Di sekolah gua ada pekan isra mi'raj minggu lalu.. nah, kemaren tuh puncaknya. Masuk hari sabtu.. cuma disuru duduk beberapa jam (sekitar 3-4 jam-__-) hahaha. Sebenernya sih disuru nyatet ceramah, tp ya ngasal aja dah--" .
Acara ini kan sebenernya telat beberapa minggu tp kepala sekolah bilang 'lebih baik telat daripada tidak'. Padahal bagi gua mending kgk usah aja sekalian daripada telat wkwkwk. Sebenernya kgk niat masuk sih kemaren.. tp ya akhirnya masuk, soalnya catetan ceramah diambil nilai--" .
Nah, udh selesai tuh acara.. gua pulang.. terus berangkat lg pengen les. Alhasil.. gua cuma libur 1 hari !